Nordic Quiz

Thursday, 24 September
Zoom Webinar, London

We all miss networking and our dear Nordic Drinks, so we, along with our colleagues at the, NBCC and DKUK are hosting a virtual quiz on 24th September, 5.30pm – 6.30pm.

You can attend as an individual, or as a group in the same household. If you’re in different households, but still want to be on the same team, that is possible. You can all be logged onto the quiz, but communicate on a different platform. We encourage creative thinking here! The quiz will be hosted on Zoom, and Jade Juvonen from the FBCC will be the the night’s quizmaster!

There will be two rounds, and each round will be divided into four categories. Since we are the Nordic Chambers’, naturally there will be a Scandi vibe to it all.

The quiz is free to attend for members and non-members.






As this quiz is hosted in collaboration with the DKUK and the NBCC, by signing up, you will consent to sharing your contact details with the DKUK and the NBCC.


Upcoming Events

Nordic Drinks January

Thursday, January 30.
Marks & Clerk
15 Fetter Ln
City of London