Keeping employees happy is more important and challenging than ever. Whether it’s engaging a workforce remotely, keeping the culture alive, or acting on the threats to employees’ happiness, it is crucial for the HR department to adapt to keep employees healthy, happy and productive.
Watch the webinar recording down below to boost your employee wellbeing!
Together with FBCC Patron Member Goodwille, Breaks Finland, and the Danish-UK Association, we participated in a webinar to learn more about improving the wellbeing of employees.
Jacqui Brown, HR Manager at Goodwille, and Jaana Komscha-Härkönen, the CEO and Co-Founder of Breaks Finland discussed topics such as “The biggest changes to workplace wellbeing for employees and how to adapt”, “Who in the business should be responsible for the wellbeing KPI’S?”, and “How to spot, improve and prevent mental illness in the workplace”. Watch the recording for more!
You can also find recordings to all our past webinars here.