We warmly welcome our new corporate member, Rochester PR!

Rochester PR Group works exclusively with market entry clients from diverse sectors including tech, food and drink, lifestyle and service brands and companies.

Their clients come from all over the world (recent clients, for example, are from Finland, Czech Republic, USA, Romania, Canada) meaning that they see the UK as it really is; a truly global, competitive marketplace. Rochester PR’s advice, activity and campaigns, delivered only by a senior team, reflect this and are designed to achieve the right results to help businesses succeed, including (but not only!) connecting them with a network or running media and social campaigns to raise profile and open doors.

Rochester PR always starts on a project basis although many clients then commit to additional projects or ongoing programmes – their longest client is still with them 20 years after they first entered the UK proving that Rochester PR continues adding value long-term.

Explore more of what Rochester PR has to offer on their website!