Doctors, nurses, assistants and volunteers continue to work tirelessly every day as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic spread to increasing numbers of people and communities.
FBCC Member Kone writes about how technology such as KONE 24/7 Connected Services can ease the burden, for example by keeping elevators running smoothly in hospitals and care homes.
People around the world are experiencing unprecedented restrictions on movement as governments and health authorities try to find ways to contain the spread of the novel Coronavirus. But there are buildings – like hospitals and care homes – where people, supplies and services must keep moving, throughout the pandemic.
Elevators are essential for enabling movement around any multi-story building, especially at medical facilities. Regular equipment maintenance – and intelligent, preventive maintenance in particular – can help minimize and even eliminate equipment downtime.
“We have a responsibility to help keep society running and critical services operational. Nowhere is this more important than in the area of patient care.” said Hugues Delval, Executive Vice President, Service Business at Kone.
“It is at times like these when we need to do everything we can to help and our thoughts are with anyone personally affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. By working together, we can at least bring peace of mind to some of those people who need it most,” says Delval.
Read the whole article here.