Goodbye from Elina

Spring means new beginnings and for me it’s time for me to say goodbye to the FBCC and head towards new challenges. I have truly enjoyed my six months here at the Chamber. During the busy autumn season I have gained valuable experience while working as a part of our small but efficient team. And of course living in a city as inspiring as London.

At the beginning of my traineeship one of my main goals was to get to know more in-depth about the business culture here in the UK and I truly feel that I have learned a lot. It has also been encouraging to see how valued Finnish expertise and brands here are. Having been able to attend and host so many interesting events covering actual topics such as BIM and Smart Cities has been an enriching experience. Not to forget gaining broad perspectives on Brexit, which without doubt is affecting people and businesses in multiple levels. At the moment the only safe thing to say is that this year will bring many challenges but surely also opportunities.

Most valued part of my time here has certainly been meeting so many of our members and partners in and hearing your stories and ideas. I will cherish this experience of working together with such amazing and skilled people.

I want to warmly thank everyone whom I have met during my time at the Chamber and hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,
