FBCC Welcomes a new Patron member: Dream Broker!

Dream Broker is a Finnish and European online video software company helping their customers revolutionise their communication and learning with online video.

The company is one of the fastest growing companies in Europe, serving over 1100 loyal business customers. The company is privately held under Finnish and European ownership by its key operative personnel. The company and its products are known for their high quality and information security.

Today Dream Broker is the market leader in the Nordics, one of the biggest players in Europe. By the year 2025, the goal for the company is to expand its operations to a global level including all corners and continents. The long-term aim of the company is to create a true market-leading online-video software powerhouse, that has the capacity to serve all the needs and use-cases of its customers.

In the beginning of 2023 Dream Broker opened its operations in London. Entering the UK market has been in Dream Broker’s internationalization strategy for years and is a significant milestone for the company.

We are delighted to welcome Dream Broker to join FBCC Patron members!