This interview is part of the FBCC Member Series where we introduce our member companies to the network. This year’s first interview is with Anne Salomaa, the Head of Marketing at FBCC’s Corporate Member Light Cognitive.

Light Cognitive’s award-winning lighting design bring the benefits of natural light to a windowless retail space in Barcelona.

Light Cognitive is a Finnish company focusing on lighting design that celebrates natural light. The company’s mission is to bring beautiful light and clear skies within everyone’s reach by using a lighting technology that recreates natural light in indoor spaces. The aim is to receive the benefits from natural light around the year, which can otherwise be difficult during the darker months. The name, Light Cognitive, was born during a stroll in Cambridge with a practical meaning behind it: lighting has a significant impact on our cognitive abilities.  

Light Cognitive was established in 2014 when the founder moved to Finland after having spent several years in the U.S. and noticed how the darkness had a vast impact on both his mood and alertness. From here, the idea of creating light indoors, which would enable us to experience the benefits of natural light during the darkest times of the year, was born.  

Although the current situation has created its challenges, Light Cognitive has been able to grow and gain global interest and recognition during the past year. The company has participated in international design competitions and recently won the prestigious Dezeen Award for 2020 in the category of Lighting Design. The competition attracted participants from over 80 countries with thousands of projects. Moreover, the company has been able to shift product demonstrations online and has participated in different virtual events to remarkable success. Right now, the team is looking forward to the future with an open mind.

Salomaa describes the company’s culture as innovative and encouraging, with opportunities to learn new skills and take on different roles. Most importantly, as the environment is very dynamic and fast-paced, Salomaa mentions how important it is to trust in oneself. She finds it inspiring to see the effort and work put into the company along the journey.  

“Light is important for our wellbeing,” says Light Cognitive marketing director Anne Salomaa

Salomaa is currently the only team member living in the U.K., which is also why she sees being part of the FBCC community as a great means to network and make new connections, and she appreciates the support of FBCC and both the local and Finnish companies that are a part of the network.

We asked Salomaa for her best tips for working at home, to which she mentions how important it is to try and get some natural light during the day by going on a walk, even if just for fifteen minutes. If that is not possible, she recommends getting at least some light by opening the door while you enjoy your daily dose of caffeine.