My traineeship started in August with quite a rush, in the first month we already hosted our first Nordic Drinks and only a couple weeks later my favourite event so far; the annual Crayfish Party.
Nordic Drinks is a monthly networking event, which I think was the best way to start the Autumn season 2019. The two hours went by extremely fast taking photos and mingling with our guests. If I think about myself back in August and compare it to date – I can see a lot of development. Even though I’ve never considered myself shy, I’ve definitely become more confident and developed my networking skills.
Right after Nordic Drinks, in the beginning of September we had our Annual Crayfish Party, interestingly, the very first Crayfish Party for me as well. Organizing this event taught me so much, we had to plan everything from the seating plan and fundraising auction, to designing visual marketing materials and decoration. The day finally arrived, and we were of course a little bit nervous, but all the hard work paid off – the event was a total success.
I can’t believe how the time flies. It feels like we’ve just started, and now we’re already interviewing our successors and preparing for the last few events of this year. I’ve met so many interesting people from various fields of business, organized approximately 10 events with our team and got the opportunity to attend several fascinating events organized by others.
All in all, it has been a great learning experience, I’ve had the chance to utilize my skills in so many different areas; ranging from marketing and accounting to research and recruitment – and this has given me clear direction of what kind of job I’d like to do next.
As I have couple of months left and the festive season lurking behind the corner, I’m super excited to see what else I’ll learn and who else I still have the chance to meet at our next events.