If your business is affected by the coronavirus crisis, below are outlined some ways that FBCC member Efficio can help.
The Coronavirus crisis has delivered global disruption on an unprecedented scale and with startling speed. Countries, businesses, families and individuals are waking up to a world where the systems, networks and dynamics, previously taken for granted, no longer function as expected. Supply Chains are struggling to react, being hit threefold by demand swings, supply constraints and personnel restrictions.
As we collectively regroup, and before we build our supply chains, economies and social structures to come back stronger, we need to take action. Efficio’s clients are working tirelessly to understand, plan and act, and Efficio is helping them to get their businesses back on track through targeted and practical support, expertise and knowledge exchange:
- Demand planning and rebalancing
- Inventory management and cash release
- Supplier management and collaborative problem solving
- Contract management, termination or renegotiation/expansion
- Rapid alternative supply sourcing
- On-shoring or redefining supply chains
- BAU category management and support
- Procurement and supply chain crisis PMO
If you need help you can contact Efficio through their website!